


新英文読解法: 本格的な読解力を確実に

新英文読解法: 本格的な読解力を確実に


..................... p150より 引用  ........................................

The duty of teachers isn't so much to the public, still less to the state, as to their students. It is their duty, and their privilege, and their pleasure, to impart a truly human formation to their students. It is for them to bring out the humanity of their students; and that they have to do in a truly human way, by showing how human they are themselves. However, the more emphasis they lay on methods of passing entrance examinations. the more mechanical thevthemselves become and the more mechanical they make their students.
Then, how are teachers to show their humanity to their students, so as to give them a human formation ? Of course, in the process of teaching there are many human qualities involved; but I would like to lay stress on two of them that go alliteratively with "humanity." One is "humility," and the other is "humor." (PeterMilward: Humorin&lumtion)



..................... 引用 終 ..........................................

“humility"と“humor" 欠けていないかなぁ? と思わず我が身を省みます(^_^;)